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Unite for a Better Life: Programme Summary
This document, produced as part of the WHO & UN WOMEN RESPECT Women implementation package, provides detailed information about the Unite for a Better Life Program. This includes a programme description, theory of change, core components, monitoring and evaluation approach and lessons learned.
Unite for a Better Life: Case Studies on Impact
Working together with local communities, the Unite for a Better Life (UBL) program was designed to prevent intimate partner violence. It works through either facilitated group-based gender dialogues or through community co-created podcast episodes. Both versions of the program involve “crucial conversations” that enable women and men to actively examine and challenge inequitable gender norms and roles, and develop and practice important relationship skills.
UBL Program Basics
This guide was created to support implementation of Unite for a Better Life. The guide provides an overview of the Unite for a Better Life program and its components for program implementers working in gender-based violence prevention and/or in humanitarian settings.