Program adaptation & scaling solutions

The IPV-ADAPT+ Framework

Program staff, policymakers and organizations are adapting proven and tested violence prevention programs to new and diverse contexts and populations. But the process of adaptation is challenging. Programmes must be modified to improve fit for new contexts while keeping the core components necessary for their effectiveness. Unsystematic adaptations not only risk poor results but could cause harm.

Program adaptation & scaling solutions

What is the IPV-ADAPT+ Framework?

Created in collaboration with the Sexual Violence Research Initiative (SVRI), it is an ethical and evidence based adaptation guide. The guide:

  • Describes a systematic, step-by-step process for adapting IPV prevention programmes

  • Integrates a participatory, women-centered approach, and learning-oriented monitoring and evaluation

  • Provides tools to support documentation and monitoring and evaluation of programme adaptations

  • Includes case examples to illustrate learning from previous adaptations.

An innovative, flexible approach

The guide includes 15 steps across 5 stages. The overall approach is flexible and recognizes that the adaptation process may look very different for different adaptations.

The use of this guide will promote better use of scarce resources and strengthen adaptation processes that will contribute to building better IPV prevention programmes in diverse contexts.

Download the IPV-ADAPT+ Guide 

Download the IPV-ADAPT+ Guide Executive Summary